Information on coronavirus restrictions at Mercy Health hospitals.
We are happy to announce the recommencement of face to face and online education. Here are some helpful resources to help you understand and prepare for your pregnancy journey. For pregnancy information in other languages:
Health Translations
- Website: Health Translations
Health Translations is an online library which enables health practitioners and those working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to easily find free translated health information.
Preparing for your baby
Options for pregnancy care
- Mercy Hospital for Women care models
- Werribee Mercy Hospital for Women care models
- Mercy Hospital for Women pregnancy with special needs: Mercy Perinatal
- Mercy Hospital for Women Aboriginal hospital liaison officer
- Werribee Mercy Hospital Aboriginal hospital liaison officer
- Maternity Group Practice for women and families with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander baby: Nangnak Baban Murrup at Mercy Hospital for Women.
Parent Education classes
- Mercy Hospital for Women – Parent Education classes
- Werribee Mercy Hospital – Parent Education classes
Patient information sheets
Find patient information sheets and resources can be accessed here
External resources
Diet in pregnancy
The Australian Dietary Guidelines provide up-to-date advice about the amount and kinds of foods that we need to eat for health and wellbeing. They are based on scientific evidence and research.Healthy eating during your pregnancy
Learn more about how eating well during pregnancy and while breastfeeding has health benefits for you and your baby.Healthy eating in pregnancy and breastfeeding
Learn more about how good nutrition during pregnancy can help to keep you and your developing baby healthy.Pregnancy and diet
Calculate today’s gestation and the dates for common pregnancy milestones using either the estimated due date (EDD) or last menstrual period (LMP).Recommended pregnancy weight gain and BMI calculator
Healthy eating in pregnancy
Routine pregnancy investigations
Some families choose to have a genetic screen test performed in early pregnancy. Learn more about your testing options.Genetic screening at Victorian Clinical Genetic Services
Morphology scan
An ultrasound scan of baby between 18-22 weeks’ gestation. This scan can take 45 minutes to one hour and will examine:
- measurements to check that baby is growing as expected
- images of baby’s organs to check they are developing as expected
- the placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid levels as well as the blood flow to the uterus.
Glucose Tolerance Test
Pregnancy can trigger diabetes in women who do not normally have diabetes. Of the pregnant women in Australia, 12-14 per cent develop this type of diabetes, which is called ‘gestational diabetes’. If untreated, gestational diabetes can have a harmful effect on the health of a mother and her baby. A blood test is performed in the morning after fasting overnight at a pathology clinic, hospital or a medical centre.
The test to screen for diabetes is called a Glucose Tolerance Test. The test determines how well glucose (sugar) is absorbed, by having the woman fast overnight and then drink a sweet drink.
The test is:
- performed between 26-28 weeks
- a fasting blood test, which means no food, chewing gum or cigarettes from 10pm the night before the test
- water (plain) only allowed from 10pm the night before the test
- 3 x blood tests are taken over 2 hours:
- fasting blood sugar test
- 1 hour after a glucose drink
- 2 hours after a glucose drink
Common pregnancy concerns
Learn more about how getting to know your baby’s movement patterns can help you know that your baby is well and recognise if something has changed.Your baby's movements
Learn more about new research shows that going to sleep on your side from 28 weeks of pregnancy halves your risk of stillbirth compared with sleeping on your back.Sleeping on your side in third trimester
These daily actions in pregnancy help prevent stillbirth.Daily actions for your safer pregnancy
Important messages about stillbirth prevention from healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Stillbirth Safer Baby Resources during Covid-19
Learn more about your blood group during pregnancy.Blood groups in pregnancy
Learn more about bladder and bowel control problems during pregnancy.Bladder and bowel health in pregnancy
Find more resources on smoking and pregnancy.Smoking and pregnancy
Learn more about alcohol and pregnancy.Alcohol and pregnancy
The information on this page is a general guide to immunisations for women who are pregnant or planning pregnancy.Immunisation for pregnancy
Learn more about improving decision making around timing of birth.Timing of your baby's birth
Dietary suggestions for managing nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
DRAM (Diastasis Rectus Abdominus Muscle)
Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PRPGP)
Gestational Diabetes and Diabetes in Pregnancy
Learn more about gestational diabetes and diabetes in pregnancy.Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes:
These videos are about gestational diabetes, how it is managed and where to get the information and support you need.Understanding gestational diabetes - NDSS
Disclaimer: Pregnant women should avoid food which may contain listeria bacteria. Pregnant women should not eat ricotta cheese or smoked salmon, which are listed on this shopping guide.Supermarket shopping guide
Healthy eating for gestational diabetes
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Preparing for baby
Learn more about how children need different restraints as they grow. The restraint must be the right size for the child, properly adjusted and fastened, and correctly fitted to the vehicle.Car restraints
A guide to nurturing the child and pet relationship from pregnancy to preschool.Safety with pets
Information on the types of workshops provided, and the topics they cover. To register for an upcoming workshop either in your area or virtually via the online platform Zoom, check out the Events page in our Facebook community group.Reusable nappies
A guide to infant and nursery products.Safety guide to infant products
Buying clothes for your baby
Labour and birth
Use this toolkit to learn more about your health during pregnancy.Mercy Perinatal Toolkit
Learn more about how every labour and birth is unique and unpredictable, making it difficult to plan. It is common for women to feel some level of anxiety during pregnancy; perhaps about their changing body, the health of their baby or concerns about the birth.Labour and Birth
Use this site and videos to improve fetal position (breech, transverse, posterior) and birth. Reduce the chance of cesarean.Spinning babies
Learn more about Hypnobirthing Australia.Hypnobirthing Australia
Learn more about Calmbirth and their information about and childbirth education, training, research and changing our birth culture.Calmbirth
A podcast of mothers’ stories of childbirth.Australian Birth Stories Podcast
Learn more about vaginal tears and episiotomy in labour. Watch this short video describing risks and care. Please ensure the sound is on.Vaginal tears
In most pregnancies, labour starts naturally between 37 and 42 weeks. Learn more about a number of changes that may occur.Induction of Labour
Learn more about how every woman responds and copes differently with the pain of labour and childbirth.Pain Relief in Labour and Childbirth
Learn more about how to discuss the methods of pain relief available with your midwife, obstetricianPain relief and having a baby
and anaesthetist well in advance of your labour.
Most babies are born without any need for assistance, but there are times when assistance may be required for the safety of mother or baby. Learn more about assisted birth.Assisted Birth
About 4% of babies are not “head first” by 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. If a baby is breech, it can make labour more complicated. For this reason, most women in Australia with a breech baby will have a planned Cesarean birth.Baby in breech position near term
Learn more about how to give birth after a caesarean birth.Vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section
FreeMOM TENS is a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (T.E.N.S.) device which has been specifically designed to assist in the relief of pain during labour, afterbirth pain and assist with sleeping after delivery.TENS hire
Induction of labour
Epidural anaesthesia during labour
Active birth
Birth ideas
Breastfeeding Information
- Website: Breastfeeding Information
Learn more about breastfeeding including information specific to Covid-19.
Breastfeeding videos
- Website: Breastfeeding videos
The ‘Breastfeeding basics’ video has been created to educate families about the early days and weeks of breastfeeding.
Multilingual Breastfeeding Booklets
- Website:
Breastfeeding Booklets in eight languages featuring side-by-side Language/English Translation. Topics include expressing and storing breastmilk, colostrum, sore nipples, weaning, engorgement, increasing supply, attachment, working and breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding – Making more breastmilk
Breastfeeding – Expressing breastmilk
Breastfeeding – Nipple shields
Breastfeeding – When baby does not attach at the breast
Recovery after birth
Learn more about pregnancy, childbirth and incontinence.Healthy bladder and bowel habits after birth
The Nangnak Wan Myeek Program supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and families after the birth of your baby.Nangnak Wan Myeek - Mercy Hospital for Women
Contraception is also called birth control or family planning. Learn more here.Your Contraceptive Choices
Physiotherapy after a vaginal delivery
Going home after giving birth
When to seek help for you and your baby
Information for you and your baby – safe sleeping, safe wrapping and tummy time.Safe sleep, safe wrapping and tummy time - Red Nose
Learn more about why your baby needs vaccines at birth.Newborn injections Vitamin K and Hepatitis B
Every newborn baby in Australia is offered a test for rare, but serious, medical conditions. This is called newborn screening.Newborn blood test
Learn more about the Victorian Infant Hearing Screening ProgramVictorian Infant Hearing Screening Program
Kidsafe Victoria is an independent, not for profit organisation dedicated to the prevention of unintentional death and injury to children through education, advocacy and research.Kidsafe
Learn more so you can make an informed decision about vaccination.Immunisation fact sheet
Tummy time tips
Baby massage
Jaundice in newborn babies
Multiple birth
Tips about what to expect while you are pregnant, information on common issues for multiple birth, and useful information if you are already a multiple birth family.Australian Multiple Birth Association
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression
PANDA’s National Perinatal Mental Health Helpline is Australia’s only free, national helpline service for women, men and their families affected by perinatal mental illness. The Helpline provides a safe and confidential space for any new or expecting parent struggling with the challenges of becoming a new parent. Our highly trained and caring counsellors can help you work through your challenges by talking openly and honestly about your thoughts, feelings and experiences.PANDA Hotline
Tips to help you look after yourself and your emotions when you’re expecting a baby.Beyond Blue
Information for new and expectant dads.Beyond Blue - Information for dads
Watch the series, take the dad stress test and get some tips about becoming a dad.Beyond Blue - Dadvice series
Support for the emotional health of new mums, at every step.Mumspace
Information for new parents adjusting to the changes and challenges in the first year.COPE - Centre of Perinatal Excellence
Researching the early detection, prevention and treatment of common mental health disorders.Black Dog Institute
Premature baby
Learn more about premature birth from Raising Children Network, the Australian parenting website.Raising Children Network - Premature birth
Through Austprem, families who have experienced the complex challenges of parenting a premature infant reach out to other families facing this journey, and offer friendship, information and support.Austprem
Information about premature babies.Premature baby - Pregnancy, birth & baby
Learn more about premature birth and premature babies.Better Health Channel - Premature babies
Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a breastmilk donor.Mercy Health Breastmilk Bank
03 8458 4477
We are available Monday to Friday, 8am–4pm.
If we are unable to answer the phone, please leave a voicemail with your contact details, or send us an email and we will respond within 24 hours.
ACD works to improve the lives of children with a disability and their families.Association for Children with a Disability
Volunteer parent supporters offering a real sense of understanding and hope to bereaved parents as they too have been through the devastating loss of a baby.Sands
Family and community service support
If you are in danger, phone 000.
At Mercy Health, we understand family violence. We know, pregnancy and the immediate postnatal period are among the highest risk periods for the onset and escalation of family violence for women. There is support available for you and your family.
Support services that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Safe Steps Safe steps is Victoria’s state-wide first response service for women, young people and children experiencing family violence. Phone contact is available 24 hours, 7 days a week.Safe Steps
1800 015 188
1800-RESPECT 1800RESPECT is a free national sexual assault and domestic family violence counselling service. Telephone counselling is available 24/7.1800-RESPECT
1800 737 732
Centre Against Sexual Assault Support if you have experienced sexual assault. The Victorian Centres Against Sexual Assault (CASA) Forum is the peak body of the 15 Centres Against Sexual Assault, and the Victorian Sexual Assault Crisis Line (after hours).Centre Against Sexual Assault
1800 806 292
MensLine Australia MensLine is a 24/7 professional telephone and online support and information service for men.MensLine Australia
1300 789 978
Relationships Australia Victoria is a valued provider of specialist family and relationship services.Relationships Australia
For couples preparing for marriage or strengthening their bond, expecting a new baby, or navigating parenting into the teen years, Catholic Care programs help people to interact respectfully and positively.Catholic Care Relationship Courses
Contacts and emergency
In case of emergency, call 000
Emergency contacts
Emergency Department
Phone numbers:
Emergency Department
03 8458 4444
24 hours, 7 days a week
- Website: Emergency Department
Level 1
163 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria 3084
- Opening hours: Our service is open 24-hours a day, seven days a week
Please use this contact phone number to contact the Emergency Department via Main Reception.
The Mercy Hospital for Women Emergency Department provides urgent assessment and treatment for women with acute gynaecological and pregnancy problems, and emergency care for newborn babies who were born at the hospital.
Entrance to the Emergency Department is on Burgundy Street, Heidelberg.
The MERCY entrance is next to the Austin Hospital Emergency Department.It may be determined during your assessment that your primary issue is not gynaecological or related to your pregnancy. In this case, we may refer you for further assessment and treatment at the Austin Hospital Emergency Department, which is located within the same hospital complex as Mercy Hospital for Women.
Emergency Department
- Website: Emergency Department
300 Princes Highway
Werribee Victoria 3030
The Werribee Mercy Hospital Emergency Department provides urgent assessment and treatment for people of all ages, and for all conditions.
For non-urgent conditions, there are general practitioners (GPs) located near the hospital who are available until late in the evening.
If you are unsure about your condition, or you are concerned about a family member, come to the Emergency Department.
Phone numbers:
1300 60 60 24
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Website: NURSE-ON-CALL - health.vic
NURSE-ON-CALL is a phone service that provides immediate, expert health advice from a registered nurse.
If you think your situation is an emergency, you should always call 000 or go to an emergency department at a hospital.
Call for the cost of a local call from anywhere in Victoria for health advice 24 hours a day (calls from mobile phones may be charged at a higher rate).
NURSE-ON-CALL puts you directly in touch with a registered nurse for caring, professional health advice around the clock. You may need us when:
– you or someone you’re caring for is feeling unwell
– you are not sure if you should seek medical help
– you’re away from home or situated a long way from medical help
– you simply want advice or information about health services in your area.What happens when I call for advice?
Step 1 – a registered nurse will answer your call and collect some basic details.Step 2 – the nurse will then ask you a series of questions about your symptoms and other issues relating to your health.
Step 3 – at the end of the call the nurse may suggest ways you can care for yourself, advise you to contact a GP or, in the event that your condition is very serious, transfer the call to 000. Note that nurses do not provide a full diagnosis of your symptoms.
NURSE-ON-CALL uses the most up-to-date health information available, giving you and your family the highest quality advice. All information you provide remains confidential and records are fully secure.
Maternal and Child Health Line
Phone numbers:
Maternal and Child Health Line
13 22 29
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Email address: [email protected]
- Website: Maternal and Child Health Line
The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Line is a statewide telephone service available every day of the year for Victorian families with children from birth to school age.
Maternal and child health nurses can provide information, support and guidance regarding a range of issues including child health, nutrition, breastfeeding, maternal and family health and parenting.
Mental Health Triage
Phone numbers:
Mental Health Triage
1300 657 259
24 hours, 7 days a week
- Website: Mercy Mental Health Triage
If you are experiencing mental distress or you are seeking treatment for a mental health problem, please phone the triage line
For emergencies requiring immediate assistance, call 000.
You may need to leave a message on an answering service and the triage worker will return your call as soon as possible.
Mercy Palliative Care Services
Phone numbers:
Mercy Palliative Care Services
1300 369 019
24 hours, 7 days of week
- Website: Mercy Palliative Care
Other places to get help
Better Health Channel
- Website:
We provide health and medical information to improve the health and wellbeing of people and the communities they live in. This information is:
- quality-assured and reliable
- up-to-date
- locally relevant
- easy to understand.
The information on our site aims to help people understand and manage their health and medical conditions. It does not replace care provided by medical practitioners and other qualified health professionals.
We are fully funded by the Victorian Government, with no commercial advertising or corporate sponsorship.
Phone numbers:
beyondblue Support Service
1300 224 636
24 hours, 7 days a week
- Website:
Equipping everyone in Australia with the knowledge and skills to achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live. We give people the confidence to support those around them, and make anxiety, depression and suicide part of everyday conversations. And as well as tackling stigma, prejudice and discrimination, we’re breaking down the barriers that prevent people from speaking up and reaching out.
Services avialable through the beyondblue website include:
- Call
- Chat online
- Online forums
If you require immediate support, please contact the beyondblue Support Service.
Phone numbers:
131 114
24 hours, 7 days a week
- Website:
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
What happens when you call 13 11 14
Our trained Telephone Crisis Supporters will answer your call and:Listen to your situation
Provide immediate support
Assist to clarify options and choices available to you
Provide you with referral information for other services in your local area.
Your call will be answered as soon as possible by the next available crisis supporter. If your call isn’t answered straight away, it means we are experiencing high demand for our service and helping other Australians in need.Please stay on the line or call back later.
If you are in immediate danger call 000.
Phone numbers:
13 22 89
8am to midnight, 7 days a week.
- Website: parentline
Parentline is a confidential and anonymous phone counselling service for parents and carers of children and teenagers in Victoria. We offer counselling, information and support around a range of parenting issues.
Raising Children Network
- Website:
Raising Children Network is the complete resource for Australian parents, taking you from pregnancy to newborns to teenagers. We offer evidence-based content you can trust on hundreds of topics about raising children and looking after yourself as a parent.
At the Raising Children Network website, we believe that all children and families are individual and different. Our scientifically validated content is translated into everyday language to help parents and carers make decisions that work for them in their individual family circumstances.
PANDA National Helpline
Phone numbers:
PANDA’s National Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Helpline
1300 726 306
9am-7:30pm, Monday to Friday
- Website:
PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia supports women, men and families across Australia affected by anxiety and depression during pregnancy and early parenthood. PANDA operates Australia’s only National Helpline for individuals and their families to recover from perinatal anxiety and depression, a serious illness that affects up to one in five expecting or new mums and one in ten expecting or new dads.
Last reviewed August 15, 2020.