A man and woman sit looking at each other smiling in front of a sleeping baby in a neonatal bed.

Your rights and responsibilities

At Mercy Health, our healthcare and services are provided in partnership with staff and consumers (patients, clients, carers and family/friends) working together to achieve optimal care. As a consumer of healthcare services at Mercy Health, it is important for you to understand your rights and responsibilities when receiving these services.

What are my rights as a consumer?

You have a right to:

  • healthcare and services you require
  • safe and high quality care and services
  • services that are respectful of your culture and communication needs
  • receive only treatment for which you have provided consent
  • clear information about your healthcare, including treatment options
  • discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your care
  • participate in making decisions about your care, treatment and discharge
  • privacy and confidentiality for your personal and health information
  • the support of a person of your choice in discussions about your care
  • a second opinion, if requested
  • be informed of any cost payable for health services or supplies
  • give feedback and have your concerns addressed.

What are my responsibilities as a consumer?

You have a responsibility to:

  • provide accurate information about your health to assist with your treatment, such as medical history, or allergies
  • notify us if your personal details are incorrect or have changed
  • tell us if you have questions or concerns about your care
  • tell us if your condition changes
  • treat everyone you meet at Mercy Health with respect and courtesy
  • attend your appointments or notify us if you are unable to attend
  • respect the privacy and confidentiality of other people in our care.

Mercy Health supports and has adopted the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, please follow the links below to learn more about the Charter and how it impacts on you as a consumer of healthcare services.

Mercy Mental Health support the rights of people with a mental illness to have access to rights advocacy and support services.

Additional resources

Your rights and responsibilities - New South Wales

  • Website: Your health care rights and responsibilities in New South Wales
  • About:

    Everyone seeking or receiving healthcare in NSW has certain rights and responsibilities. These include the right to access, safety, respect, communication, participation, privacy and to comment on their care. A partnership between patients and public healthcare providers leads to the best possible outcomes.

Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights

  • Website: Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights
  • About:

    Everyone has the right to be able to access healthcare. The Australian Government commits to international agreements about human rights that recognise everyone’s right to have the highest possible standard of physical and mental healthcare. Australia is a society made up of people with different cultures and ways of life, and the Charter acknowledges and respects these differences.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

  • Website: Safety and quality in health care
  • About:

    Learn more about key functions of the Commission including developing national safety and quality standards, developing clinical care standards to improve the implementation of evidence-based health care, coordinating work in specific areas to improve outcomes for patients, and providing information, publications and resources about safety and quality.

Auslan translation - Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights

Last reviewed October 24, 2017.

Fee Schedule

​If you are not eligible for Medicare, you will be required to pay for the cost of your care. Find out more about the fees for patients who are not eligible for Medicare.

Fee Schedule

Providing feedback

We value feedback from the people we care for, including from your families, friends, carers, and our broader community. Find out how to register a concern, complaint or compliment, or make a suggestion for improvement at Mercy Health.

Providing feedback

Access your information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) enables you to make an application for access to information.

Access your information