Now that you have been referred, you are responsible for:
- participating in decision making about your future care and treatments
- providing the hospital with your contact details and your preferred method of communication (email is not currently available at Mercy Health)
- consenting to your personal and health information being shared between staff involved in your care at Mercy Health
- consenting to your personal and health information being shared between the Mercy Health, your referring clinician, your nominated GP and other health service providers, as required to provide you with treatment or care
- participating in the care plan developed in partnership with you and your health care professional(s).
- preparing for appointments (e.g. accessing any required tests and investigations)
- attending appointments at the arranged time
Please tell us:
- if you rely on a carer for any activities of daily living
- if you need cultural, linguistic or disability support
- if you rely on transport support
- if there are changes to your health conditions
- your contact details
- your preferred GP
- your next of kin or who to contact in an emergency
- if you are unable to attend an arranged appointment
- if an appointment is no longer required
- if you are ‘not ready for care’.
‘Not ready for care’ is when you cannot attend an appointment for any of the following reasons:
- your health has temporarily declined to the point that your health care professional has advised that your aren’t able to go ahead with the appointment.
- you are waiting for a test or investigation that must be completed before your appointment.
‘Ready for care’ is when:
- you are well enough to come to your appointment.
- you have have accessed the tests or investigations that you need to have before your appointment.
Understanding the outpatient referral process
Learn more about what happens next once you have been referred to Werribee Mercy Hospital Outpatient Clinics or Mercy Hospital for Women Outpatient Clinics.
Outpatient access at Mercy Hospital for Women
Mercy Hospital for Women offers specialist services for maternity, gynaecology, perinatal mental health and a limited range of paediatric and allied health services. To access any of these services you will need a referral from your GP or other specialist.
Outpatient access at Werribee Mercy Hospital
Our Outpatient Clinics (also referred to as 'specialist clinics' or 'specialist services') provide a range of services where you can be referred for specialist opinion, management and treatment of various conditions.