Antenatal Education
Feel confident about giving birth with Antenatal Education, held in person at Werribee Mercy Hospital. These classes are especially designed for women receiving maternity care at Werribee Mercy Hospital and in their third trimester of pregnancy. You will learn what to expect in labour and birth, breastfeeding, and handling your newborn.
The classes also include a birthing room tour so that you and your birthing partner are comfortable and familiar with your surrounds when in labour.
Importantly, the small class sizes create an intimacy and camaraderie amongst women who are around the same stage in pregnancy.
Feel confident about:
- Knowing whether you’re in labour
- when to come to hospital
- your pain relief options
- how induction might be beneficial
- breastfeeding, settling and bathing your baby
- plus more.
You have the opportunity to attend on weekday evenings, 6-9pm over three consecutive weeks OR
Saturdays, 10am-3pm over two consecutive weekends.
Options for classes are:
- Weeknight sessions:
A series of three classes, held one class per week over three weeks.
Classes run from 6.00pm -9.00pm.
- Saturday sessions:
A series of two classes, held over two Saturdays.
Classes run Saturdays from 10.00am – 3.00pm.
The series of classes cost $130 per couple (non-refundable).
To secure your spot, please call Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital 03 8754 3412
Antenatal breastfeeding classes
These free classes will help get your breastfeeding journey off to the right start
Women receiving maternity care at Werribee Mercy Hospital can join experienced midwives and lactation consultants in a three-hour Saturday workshop. Our breastfeeding classes are taught by experienced Midwives and Lactation Consultants.
Breastfeeding is natural but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy! Before you give birth, get familiar with the techniques that increase success on your breastfeeding journey. Benefit from hands on practice of positioning your baby and find out about important support networks in your local area.
Learn to recognise what’s normal in breastfeeding by first understanding:
- the benefits to mum and baby
- breast anatomy, development and how breastmilk is made
- the impact of birth interventions and how you can be supported
- positioning and attachment
- newborn cues
- what the first week will be like
- how to know if baby is getting enough milk
- plus some of the common challenges.
To secure your spot, please call Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital 03 8754 3412
Related services
Getting here
Find us at:
300 Princes Highway
Werribee Victoria 3030
For more information on getting here, visit Werribee Mercy Hospital .
Location details
Classes are held in the Pregnancy Day Stay Unit, Located just off the main hospital corridor.
How can people get access?
The midwife teaching the class will arrive early to set up the room. The midwife will be there to welcome women and their support person to the classes.
Opening hours
Weeknights: three classes held once a week over three weeks, Monday to Thursday, 6.30–9pm.
Saturday: classes held over two Saturdays, 9.30am–1pm or 1.45–5pm.
Your appointment
What to do before
You can book into antenatal classes when you visit the Outpatient Department for your pregnancy appointments, or by calling:
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
Phone numbers:
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
03 8754 3400
24 hours, 7 days a week
- Website: Maternity Assessment Unit (MAU)
Maternity and Neonatal Services entrance, Werribee Mercy Hospital
300 Princes Highway
Werribee Victoria 3030
You should phone maternity services during your pregnancy if:
- you are pregnant, over 20 weeks, and have pregnancy related concerns
- think you are in labour or your waters (membranes) have broken
- have concerns about your recovery, up until four weeks after your baby is born
Please note that payment is required at the time of booking.
Payment options include:
- cash or EFTPOS available via cashier located at the main reception in the hospital
- Credit Card (MasterCard or Visa) available at Maternity Reception or Outpatients Reception 1
The cost for Antenatal classes is $130 per couple
Breastfeeding classes are FREE.
What to bring
You can bring your partner or another person along to the classes for support.
Light refreshments and coffee/tea will be provided.
Please bring a water bottle and lunch/dinner if necessary.
You are also welcome to bring a notepad and pen.
What to expect on the day
Antenatal Education Weekday Sessions run for 3 hours, and Saturday sessions run for 5 hours.
Antenatal breastfeeding classes run for 3 hours on Saturdays.
More information
Team Composition
Parent education classes are run by a midwife.
What questions should you ask
Some questions you may wish to consider asking include:
- Who will care for me during labour and birth?
- What are my options for pain relief?
- Who decides if I need a caesarean section?
- Will I be separated from my baby after birth?
- Why should I breastfeed my baby?
Who to call if you have concerns afterwards
If you have concerns about your pregnancy or your baby please call:
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
Phone numbers:
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
03 8754 3400
24 hours, 7 days a week
- Website: Maternity Assessment Unit (MAU)
Maternity and Neonatal Services entrance, Werribee Mercy Hospital
300 Princes Highway
Werribee Victoria 3030
You should phone maternity services during your pregnancy if:
- you are pregnant, over 20 weeks, and have pregnancy related concerns
- think you are in labour or your waters (membranes) have broken
- have concerns about your recovery, up until four weeks after your baby is born
For health professionals
Werribee Mercy Hospital Birth and Early Parenting Education is a series of group parenting education sessions held by one of our passionate midwives or lactation consultants.
Contacts and resources
Contacts at this hospital
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
Phone numbers:
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
03 8754 3400
24 hours, 7 days a week
- Website: Online maternity tour
Werribee Mercy Hospital
300 Princes Highway
Werribee Victoria 3030
- Opening hours: Weeknight and weekend classes are available by appointment.
This is the main reception phone number for Maternity Services at Werribee Mercy Hospital (WMH).

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