Undergraduate Clinical Placement
Mercy Hospitals Victoria Limited (MHVL) highly values undergraduate students and is dedicated to providing quality educational clinical placement experiences to the future healthcare workforce. Student placements are offered across a wide range of clinical areas in order to meet university course requirements and allow students to apply knowledge and skills taught in the classroom environment. Clinical experiences are offered within the clinical areas of acute, sub-acute, community and various specialties within a supernumerary capacity under the supervision of highly dedicated preceptors and educators.
Arranging a clinical placement
Mercy Health works closely with a number of university partners in the allocation of student clinical placements. Mercy Health engages directly with educational providers during this process, not individual students, to ensure placements meet university learning objectives and specific course requirements.
What to expect
The aim of Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery placements at Mercy Hospitals Victoria Ltd (MHVL) is to provide a positive learning environment within a range of acute, sub-acute and maternity clinical settings. Clinical placements are used to allow students to put the theory they have learnt into practice in a clinical setting. Clinical Nurse/Midwife Educators (CNE/ CME), Clinical Support Nurses/Midwives (CSNs/CSMs), and ward-based preceptors will support students during their placement, provide feedback and guide students to further develop skills and knowledge.
Pre-Placement Requirements
Students are expected to complete all pre-reading and pre-learning, and email all required documents to the Clinical Placement Coordinator, at least a week prior to the placement commencing. Students are encouraged to contact the Clinical Placement Coordinator directly for any placement related enquires.
– MHVL Student Nurse and Student Midwife Orientation Manual
– MHVL’s CoCE Guidelines (midwifery students)
– Complete NHHI Certificate (valid for 12 months)
Email to Clinical Placement Coordinator at least one week prior to placement commencing
– Student Data Form
– Privacy and Confidentiality Form
– Copy of NHHI Certificate
What to bring on your first day
- Bring Student Card Security Access Agreement (completed, with cash for deposit)
- Bring pre-written placement objectives and appraisal/assessment tools
- Wear University Uniform
- Bring University ID card, Name Badge, fob watch, pen and any other equipment required
Campus locations and student parking
Mercy Hospital for Women
More information on public transport and parking
- You need to obtain a discount voucher from the car park office on level B3 to obtain the discounted rate
- You must have your hospital ID with you
Werribee Mercy Hospital
More information on public transport and parking
- You must have your hospital ID with you
Sunshine Community Palliative Care
More information on public transport and parking
Werribee Mercy Psychiatric Unit – Clare Moore Building
More information on public transport and parking
- There is discounted parking for students (must show student ID)
Community Care Units (Mental Health)
More information on public transport and parking
Student rosters and allocations
Students may be allocated to work across any shift, including mornings, afternoons and nights, any day of the week. Communication regarding placement and rosters will be provided to the universities prior to commencing. There is an expectation that students will attend 100 per cent of their clinical placement at the time and shifts allocated. Shift swaps are not permitted.
Make up shifts
- Make-up hours will be negotiated between your education provider and MHVLs clinical placement coordinators. Every effort will be made to accommodate make-up shifts where there is capacity.
If you are late for a shift
- Please notify the allocated ward and the Clinical Support Nurses/Midwives via phone
- If leaving a voicemail, please say your full name, year level, university and the area of study
If you are absent from a shift
- Please notify the allocated ward and the Clinical Support Nurses/Midwives via phone
- Email the Clinical Placement Coordinator
- If leaving a voicemail, please say your full name, year level, university and the area you will be absent from
- Notify the Clinical Placement Officer at your university and provide the university with the necessary evidence regarding your absence, e.g. medical certificate
Student expectations
Students attending Mercy Health are expected to have met all pre-requisites and must adhere to Mercy Health’s expected professional conduct while on clinical placement.
Students are expected to:
- have a current police check and Working With Children card that has been sighted by an official representative of their current learning institution
- Have a current police check and Working With Children card that has been sighted by an official representative of their current learning institution
- Be up-to-date with immunisations, as per Department of Health and Human Services recommendations, prior to placement
- Respect the workplace and its environmental setting
- Identify themselves as students to staff, patients and visitors
- Be familiar and comply with Mercy Hospitals Victoria Ltd (MHVL) policies and procedures
- Understand the university’s, MHVL’s and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation social media policies
- Refrain carrying their mobile phone while providing clinical care
- Keep personal belongings and valuables to a minimum as MHVL will not take responsibility for any lost valuables. Please bring a lock for your personal use
- Immediately report concerns or changes in patient conditions to nursing/midwifery staff
- Work within Scope of Practice, under supervision. Seek assistance if not confident with a procedure/treatment, or lack of understanding in an area
- Not accept gifts or benefits for services performed in connection with their perceived duties and responsibilities, which might directly, indirectly or be perceived to comprise them in their official capacity
- Present for work at all times free from the effects of alcohol and or other drugs that affect the ability to work safely (see Risk Management Alcohol and Drug Policy)
- Adhere to non-smoking policies within Mercy Health facilities.
Students are responsible for:
- Bringing appraisal/assessment tools daily
- Undertaking self-assessment in order to identify specific learning needs
- Utilising resources adequately to prepare for shift (undertake the necessary reading and study to supplement their practical experiences)
- Setting objectives in line with placement requirements (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific objectives) and communicate these to their preceptor and Clinical Support Nurse/Midwife
- Seeking appropriate learning opportunities
- Achieving competency units within the required timeframes
- Interacting professionally with clients/patients, preceptors, Nurse/Midwife Unit Managers, Clinical Support Nurse/Midwife, clinical educators, medical staff, allied health and support staff
- Seeking feedback and respond professionally and positively
Clinical uniform
It is compulsory for all nursing and midwifery students to wear the correct university uniform with a name badge visible at all times while on clinical placement.
Students must follow Mercy Health’s policy in presenting in neat and professional attire ensuring that:
- Clean uniform
- Long sleeves are not permitted under/over uniform in clinical area
- University name badge is visible
- Long hair is securely tied back
- Nails are short and clean, without nail polish
- Jewellery is not to be worn, except for a plain wedding band and stud earrings
Scope of Practice
Students are responsible for ensuring work is conducted within their scope of practice at all times.
A student’s scope of practice is influenced by:
- The level of progress within the Undergraduate Degree
- The healthcare requirements of the clinical learning environment
- The level of acuity of the patient/client in the healthcare setting.
As an undergraduate student, the scope of practice changes as you progress through your degree. The university will be specific about what constitutes your current scope of practice.
Working with a preceptor
When working with a preceptor, students are expected to:
- Introduce themselves
- Discuss objectives and time plan with preceptor at the start of a shift
- Seek appropriate learning opportunities
- Interact professionally
- Work under supervision (direct or indirect)
- Seek feedback and respond professionally and positively
Debriefing sessions
Student debrief sessions will be scheduled at various times during your placement. The Clinical Support Nurse/Midwife or Clinical Educator will advise you of the scheduled times at orientation. If you require debriefing after a particular incident, please contact the Clinical Support Nurse/Midwife at any time.
Education sessions
We encourage you to attend education sessions whenever possible. Each unit will display an education calendar or flyers about upcoming sessions.
These include:
- Unit specific education
- Nursing and midwifery forums
- Workshops
- Guest speakers.
Patient interaction
As a student representing Mercy Health, there is an expectation that professionalism and integrity is demonstrated at all times during interaction with patients. Students are to introduce themselves and identify their qualification (student and level of involvement in care provided). It should be made clear with patients that they have the opportunity to decline the involvement of student participation.
Contacts and resources
Contacts for placement
Clinical Placement Coordinator - Mercy Hospital for Women
Phone numbers:
Natalie Blinman
03 8458 4941
- Email address: [email protected]
Mercy Hospital for Women
163 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria 3084
You must apply to both the university of your choice and Mercy Health. When applying via the Mercy Health careers website please also specify which university you are applying to.
Clinical Placement Coordinator - Werribee Mercy Hospital
Phone numbers:
Madeleine Ryan-Robinson
03 8754 3508
- Email address: [email protected]
Werribee Mercy Hospital
Werribee Victoria 3030
You must apply to both the university of your choice and Mercy Health. Please specify which university you are applying to and send your application via email.
Clinical Nurse Educator - Undergraduate Educator Mental Health - Werribee Mercy Hospital
Phone numbers:
Mark Mott
03 9928 7444
- Email address: [email protected]
Werribee Mercy Hospital
300 Princes Highway
Werribee Victoria 3030
Clinical Placement Evaluation

- Website: Clinical Placement Learner Survey
Mercy Health welcomes and encourages each and every student to provide feedback regarding the quality of your clinical placement. It helps identify where clinical placement can be improved for future student placements.
Additional resources
Last reviewed January 10, 2020.