At Mercy Health, our healthcare and services are provided in partnership with staff and consumers (patients, clients, carers and family/friends) working together to achieve optimal care. Learn more about your rights and responsibilities and how to provide feedback.

Your rights and responsibilities
Throughout your experience at Mercy Health, it is important for you to understand your rights and responsibilities when receiving care.

Fee Schedule
If you are not eligible for Medicare, you will be required to pay for the cost of your care. Find out more about the fees for patients who are not eligible for Medicare.

Providing feedback
We value feedback from the people we care for, including from your families, friends, carers, and our broader community. Find out how to register a concern, complaint or compliment, or make a suggestion for improvement at Mercy Health.

Access your information
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) enables you to make an application for access to information.

Rights advocacy and support services for people with a mental illness
Mental Health Services: Consumers and Carer's Rights, Supports and Advocacy

How your feedback helps
Find out how Mercy Health uses your feedback to improve our care and services.
Last reviewed February 10, 2020.