We provide the best possible care by ensuring you are informed and empowered throughout your experience. Find out how to get the most out of your health care, provide feedback or suggestions for improvement, or access translation services.
Our clinics and services
We offer clinics and services across Victoria and southern New South Wales. Our services are available to all public and privately insured patients.
Supporting your visit
We provide the best possible care by ensuring you are informed and empowered through your experience. Find out how to get the most out of your health care as a patient of Mercy Health.
Your referral to Mercy Health Outpatient Clinics
Learn more about everything you should know once you have been referred to Mercy Health Outpatient Clinics.
Advance care planning
Advance care planning can help you receive the treatment of your choice in the future. It can also help your doctors and family understand what you want and what is important to you.
My Health Record
Learn more about how Mercy Health is connecting to the national My Health Record system which enables patients to manage their health information securely, in one place.
Legal information
At Mercy Health, our healthcare and services are provided in partnership with staff and consumers (patients, clients, carers and family/friends) working together to achieve optimal care. Learn more about your rights and responsibilities and how to provide feedback.