Your recovery

There are certain things you can do to ensure the best possible recovery after surgery— even once you have left Mercy Hospital for Women. Your care team will give you detailed information about your specific recovery process and answer your questions, and following these general recommendations is just as important.

To help with your recovery

Your post-operation care will focus on:

  • early ability to move around
  • pain management
  • things to watch out for, including your specific abilities and limitations.

It is important you follow our instructions to help you recover.

What not to do

In the 24 hours after surgery, you must not:

  • smoke
  • drink alcohol
  • drive a car or motorbike
  • care for another person
  • care for young children on your own within 24 hours after your anaesthetic
  • perform heavy lifting (in some cases)
  • use machinery
  • play sports
  • make major decisions or sign legal forms.

You must have an adult carer with you for the 24 hours after your anaesthetic.

Once home, you must follow the written advice you receive from the hospital.

Your doctor or nurse will let you know how much time you will need off work. We can also arrange a medical certificate for you to give to your employer.

Things to watch out for and who to contact

Your nurse will advise you of things to watch out for.

You are encouraged to raise any questions or concerns with the ward from which you are discharged, at any time after your surgery. We will give you the number to contact.

We also advise you see your general practitioner for support or attend the Emergency Department for urgent matters.

If you experience any of the following, please attend the Emergency Department:

  • unrelieved or excessive pain
  • persistent or heavy bleeding
  • offensive discharge
  • fever symptoms above 38 degrees.

Resources and links

Day Surgery Unit

Monday-Friday 6:30am-8pm.

03 8458 4099

For after hours or urgent care, please attend the Emergency Department.

Additional resources

Last reviewed September 28, 2017.

Emergency surgery at our public hospital

Emergency surgery is a procedure that must be performed straight away. Without emergency surgery, a patient's health is at risk. Learn more about emergency surgery at Mercy Hospital for Women.

Emergency surgery at our public hospital

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Your outpatient appointment

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