A female doctor stands next to a seated patient and takes her blood pressure

Refer a patient

Mercy Health is preferring electronic referrals via HealthLink.

Users of Best Practice, MedDirector and Genie can now send electronic referrals to Mercy Health. Guides can be found on the HealthLink information page (opens in new window). For further assistance, please contact primarycare@mercy.com.au.

We accept GP and specialist referrals for all specialist clinics. Referrals are triaged against clinical information and investigations using HealthPathways Melbourne and Statewide Specialist Clinic Referral Criteria, developed by the Department of Health.

Referrals that do not contain the required clinical information and investigations will not be accepted.


Referral instructions and templates

Specialist clinic referrals are encouraged to be send via HealthLink. Find the appropriate referral forms and information for all clinics here.

Referral instructions and templates

HealthLink, eReferral Information

Mercy Health’s preferred referral method for its Outpatient Specialist Clinics is via eReferrals from HealthLink SmartForms.

HealthLink, eReferral Information

Minimum referral requirements

The non-admitted specialist services access policy advises that referrers are responsible for including the minimum referral content required for all referrals. Learn more about the mandatory information required for a referral request to be accepted and clinically prioritised.

Minimum referral requirements

Referral contact details

A quick listing page for our most commonly used referral contact details. To refer a patient, please complete an eReferral via HealthLink SmartForms or alternatively send a fax to the relevant area, service or specialist clinic.

Mercy Hospital for Women Directory

Werribee Mercy Hospital Directory

Referral contact details

Referrer responsibilities

The non-admitted Specialist clinics in Victorian public hospitals: access policy requires health professionals to communicate effectively to optimise patient care. Learn more about your responsibilities as a referring health professional.

Referrer responsibilities

MBS funded clinics (Medicare Benefits Schedule)

Learn more about Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) clinics offered at Werribee Mercy Hospital and Mercy Hospital for Women and the referring requirements for these clinics.

MBS funded clinics (Medicare Benefits Schedule)

Access prioritisation and waitlists

Learn more about the referral management process and waiting list management at Werribee Mercy Hospital & Mercy Hospital for Women.

Access prioritisation and waitlists


Mercy Health referral guidelines

  • Website: Current referral guidelines
  • About:

    View current Mercy Health referral guidelines here and please note that these will be changing soon. The statewide referral criteria provides guidance to referring clinicians about which patients will be seen in adult public specialist clinics and what investigations are required to support triage. All clinics and services will be changing over to the match the statewide criteria.

HealthPathways Melbourne

  • Email address: info@healthpathwaysmelbourne.org.au
  • Website: HealthPathways Melbourne
  • About:

    HealthPathways Melbourne provides clinicians with a single website to access clinical and referral pathways, and resources. Pathways are created by local GPs, working in partnership with specialists, nurses, allied health and other health professionals.

    Mercy Health recommends clinicians to access HealthPathways Melbourne for guidance in assessing, managing and referring for patient conditions (login required).

    Referrals to outpatient clinics at Mercy Health will be triaged against clinical information and investigations based on these guidelines.

    Referrals that do not meet the required clinical information and investigations will not be accepted.

    HealthPathways Melbourne is available for free to health professionals working in the North Western Melbourne and Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network catchments.

    Email HealthPathways to request access or if you need to confirm your username and password.

Healthlink SmartForm eReferrals

  • Website: au.healthlink.net/support
  • About:

    HealthLink is a secure digital platform for sending referrals directly from your GP practice software (Best Practice, Genie, Medical Director and MedTech Evolution).

    Practices without conformant software can register for a free HealthLink Portal licence by completing the online registration form and noting in the comments/message field that you would like to use the SmartForms, then selecting the two checkboxes – (1) Receive Electronic Correspondence (free of charge) and (3) Send Electronic Smart Forms (My Aged Care, Transport for NSW, Monash Health etc).

    Once HealthLink receives your completed registration application, this will be processed and the portal details will be forwarded to you.


    eReferral Support Contact Information

    • For GPs in the Eastern Melbourne Primary Healthcare Network region wanting to enable eReferrals (HealthLink Smartforms), please contact digitalhealth@emphn.org.auor if urgent (03) 9046 0300.
    • For GPs in the North Western Melbourne Primary Healthcare Network region wanting to enable eReferrals (HealthLink Smartforms), please contact HealthLink via phone: 1800 125 036 or email request@healthlink.net
    • For issues with HealthLink SmartForms, or to have this solution enabled within your clinical software system, please contact HealthLink on 1800 125 036 or HelpdeskHL@healthlink.net.

Statewide Referral Criteria for Specialist Clinics - Victoria

  • Website: Statewide Referral Criteria
  • About:

    The Department of Health and Human Services has developed statewide referral criteria to assist GPs and clinicians referring patients to specialist clinics. These referral criteria have been developed to improve access to specialist clinics in public hospitals by improving the quality and appropriateness of referrals.

The Managing referrals to non-admitted specialist services in Victorian public health services policy

  • Website: Access policy
  • About:

    The Managing referrals to non-admitted specialist services in Victorian public health services policy outlines the government’s expectations of service delivery, including indicative timeframes for the implementation of key processes relating to specialist clinics.

Our clinics and services

We offer clinics and services across Victoria and southern New South Wales. Our services are available to all public and privately insured patients.

Our clinics and services
A medium long shot of a woman wearing blue gloves tending to a new born baby on a table.

Primary Care Liaison Unit

The Primary Care Liaison Unit works to improve communication between the hospitals and general practice.

Primary Care Liaison Unit