The Pregnancy Day Assessment Centre operates Monday to Saturday and offers comprehensive assessment of the wellbeing of you and your baby. This includes heart rate monitoring for your baby (cardiotocography, CTG), and ultrasound.
You may be admitted to the Pregnancy Day Assessment Centre for a four-hour period if there is a chance you are developing a condition called pre-eclampsia. During this time, you will have blood tests, urine testing, blood pressure monitoring, fetal monitoring and ultrasound to ensure you and your baby are safe. The obstetric team will then develop a personalised plan for ongoing management and follow up in consulation with you.
This service is provided for all public and private patients at Mercy Hospital for Women by the midwives in the Fetal Surveillance Unit, with medical support from the Maternal Fetal Medicine team if required.
Getting here
Find us at:
163 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria 3084
For more information on getting here, visit Mercy Hospital for Women .
Location details
Mercy Hospital for Women, third floor
On-site signage and indicators
Look for the Mercy Perinatal - logo Fetal Monitoring - blue sign signs on-site.
Opening hours
Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
Saturday, 8am-3pm (appointment only).
Your appointment
What to do before
If your doctor or midwife recommend you attend our pregnancy day stay (usually for four hours ), it is often following your appointment.
You may also be booked for an appointment ahead of time, if you require more frequent monitoring. There is no need to confirm this appointment if it occurs Monday to Friday
Saturday visits are by appointment only. You can confirm your appointment time with the ward clerk or midwives in fetal monitoring.
If you have high blood pressure, you should be given a pathology request slip to get blood and/or urine test. These tests should be done in Austin pathology when you arrive. Don’t worry if you don’t have a pathology slip; one of the midwifes will arrange this for you.
What to bring
Bring a book or something to do, as well as anything special you would like to eat or drink.
What to expect on the day
Our Pregnancy Day Assessment Centre operates
- Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
- Saturday, 8am-3pm (by appointment only)
You will be admitted for at least four hours, so it is important to arrive as early as possible for your appointment.
More information
Team Composition
Throughout your experience in pregnancy day stay, you may be supported by:
- ward clerk
- midwives
- resident
- registrar
- consultant.
What questions should you ask
Please write down and bring any questions you may have. Our goal is for you to be informed and reassured by our care.
Discharge information
Before you leave, you will be reviewed by a doctor or midwife, and your follow up plan will be discussed, including when to attend your next antenatal clinic appointment with a doctor.
Opportunities to be involved in research
We participate in research projects and you have opportunities to be involved. You can find more information on these projects in our waiting rooms, and how they can benefit other babies, mothers and families. Your midwife or another clinician can also talk to you about participating in any research.
Who to call if you have concerns afterwards
If you have any concerns after your appointment, please either come to our Emergency Department or phone Nurse on Call for telephone advice.
For health professionals
The Pregnancy Day Assessment Clinic (PDAC) takes both booked and ‘walk-up’ appointments for women with high blood pressure, or those who require regular outpatient follow up for conditions, such as preterm premature rupture of the membranes, IUGR, decreased fetal movements, diabetes/GDM, low or high amniotic fluid, etc.
The PDAC midwives also administer prostaglandins or insert cervical balloons for women undergoing induction of labour who require cervical ripening.
Booked referrals are welcome for iron infusions, hyperemesis rehydration or other therapies requiring intravenous therapy over several hours, such as immunoglobulin infusions.
This Monday-Friday walk-up service ensures timely and responsive surveillance; Saturday assessment appointments can be arranged by calling on 03 8458 4267.
What/when you should refer to us
Refer to this service if any of the following criteria apply to the patient:
- risk factors, i.e. -IUGR, Phx pre-eclampsia, multiple pregnancy, pre-existing medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, antiphospholipid syndrome, renal disease
- 20 (or more) weeks pregnant
- BP 140/90
- Proteinuria
- Symptomatic – oedema, headache, visual disturbances, right upper quadrant pain
- Hyperemesis prior to 20 weeks
What/when you should not refer to us
Before 20 weeks gestation.
Additional contact details
Phone: 03 8458 4266 or 03 8458 4267.
Additional resources

Donate to the Mercy Health Foundation
The Mercy Health Foundation supports programs to improve the health and wellbeing of those in need. Your donation makes a difference in hospitals, nurseries, aged care homes, and the general community.

Providing feedback
We value feedback from the people we care for, including from your families, friends, carers, and our broader community. Find out how to register a concern, complaint or compliment, or make a suggestion for improvement at Mercy Health.

Work for Mercy Health
Midwife and nurse roles are available. Find out about life and work at Mercy Health and apply today!