This information will help patients become familiar with our facilities and what can be expected during the hospital stay.
Learn more about coronavirus-specific information regarding restrictions and changes to maternity services.
Outpatient Clinics - Antenatal
Phone numbers:
Outpatient Clinics - Antenatal
03 8754 3390
- Phone number: 03 8754 6710
- Website: Antenatal clinics
Call this number for:
· Appointment questions
· Referral questions
· You want to speak to a midwife about your appointment
· You want to change your appointment
· You want to tell us you no longer need your appointment
DO NOT call this number if you are worried about your baby, have pain or are bleeding. Call Maternity services also listed on this page.
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
Phone numbers:
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
03 8754 3400
24 hours, 7 days a week
- Website: Online maternity tour
Werribee Mercy Hospital
300 Princes Highway
Werribee Victoria 3030
- Opening hours: Weeknight and weekend classes are available by appointment.
This is the main reception phone number for Maternity Services at Werribee Mercy Hospital (WMH).

Werribee Mercy Hospital
How to find us, where to park, and how to access the unit.
Maternity Services can be accessed via Hoppers Lane or Princes Highway.
Upon entering from Hoppers Lane, turn left to follow the road around the back of the hospital.
From Princes Highway, the multi storey car park is on the right.

Outpatient clinics
How to find us, where to park, and how to access Outpatients
Outpatient Clinics can be accessed via Hoppers Lane or Princes Highway.
Upon entering from Hoppers Lane, turn left to follow the road around the back of the hospital.
From Princes Highway, the Outpatient Clinics building is on the right with the multi deck car park behind.
There is a five-minute drop off/pick up zone directly outside the reception. Please move your car as soon as possible.
Maternity Assessment Unit (MAU)
Pregnancy Day Stay
Your labour and birth
At Werribee Mercy Hospital, women and babies are at the heart of the care we provide. Whether you are having your first baby or adding to your family, we understand that this is a special time in your life. Our dedicated team will guide and support you through your labour and birth journey.

Your hospital stay for pregnancy and birth
Werribee Mercy Hospital is dedicated to providing the very best care for women and babies, while supporting families along their journey.
Women and babies are at the heart of the care we provide. With dedication and support, we guide each family through pregnancy, labour and the birth experience, and during the postnatal period after birth.

During your postnatal stay
After your baby is born, you will be transferred to a maternity room for your postnatal care until you are discharged to go home.
The midwives who care for you after birth will ensure you and your baby are medically well. They will also make sure your pain is managed and you receive education and information about feeding and caring for your new baby.

What to bring on the day
A list of what to pack for the hospital stay.
Helping you prepare for what you will need during your hospital stay and other information you will need on the day.

Operating theatres
Some babies may need to be born in the operating theatre.
Your support person will remain with you for the process unless there is an emergency. In most cases, a paediatrician will be present at the birth of your baby.
If you and your baby are well, we will keep you together, skin to skin in the recovery room where you will be monitored for a short time before going to the postnatal ward.

Special Care Nursery
The Special Care Nursery is a 16-cot unit that cares for sick and premature newborns. The unit is rated a ‘Level 4’ as per the capability framework for Victorian Maternity and Newborn Service.
The unit caters for babies from 32 weeks gestation. Werribee Mercy Hospital Neonatal Services is a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, care managers, social workers and many other specialists, providing mothers, families and babies with comprehensive care and support.
Contacts at this hospital
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
Phone numbers:
Maternity Reception at Werribee Mercy Hospital
03 8754 3400
24 hours, 7 days a week
- Website: Maternity Assessment Unit (MAU)
Maternity and Neonatal Services entrance, Werribee Mercy Hospital
300 Princes Highway
Werribee Victoria 3030
You should phone maternity services during your pregnancy if:
- you are pregnant, over 20 weeks, and have pregnancy related concerns
- think you are in labour or your waters (membranes) have broken
- have concerns about your recovery, up until four weeks after your baby is born
Outpatient Clinics - Antenatal
Phone numbers:
Outpatient Clinics - Antenatal
03 8754 3390
- Phone number: 03 8754 6710
- Website: Antenatal clinics
Call this number for:
· Appointment questions
· Referral questions
· You want to speak to a midwife about your appointment
· You want to change your appointment
· You want to tell us you no longer need your appointment
DO NOT call this number if you are worried about your baby, have pain or are bleeding. Call Maternity services also listed on this page.
Other places to get help
Raising Children Network - Pregnancy and birth

- Website:
Raising Children Network is the complete resource for Australian parents, beginning with pregnancy and birth.
This evidence based website provides information for your pregnancy presented as articles, videos and parenting in pictures, including Week by week, Dad’s guide to pregnancy, Health and wellbeing and Preparing for your baby.
Raising Children Network - Safe sleeping 0-12 months
- Website: Safe sleeping - 0-12 months
When a baby dies unexpectedly and for no obvious reason, it’s called sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI). Learn more about the simple steps can cut SUDI risk, starting with putting babies to sleep on their backs.
Australian Breastfeeding Association
- Website:
As Australia’s leading authority on breastfeeding, we support, educate and advocate for a breastfeeding inclusive society.
If you can spare a couple of minutes, please complete this survey to help us improve and expand our services.
Learn more about coronavirus-specific information regarding restrictions and changes to maternity services.