During your time in pregnancy day stay, your baby’s heart rate will be monitored over a period of time to assess their wellbeing while in the uterus. This monitoring is called a cardiotocograph, or CTG. You may be booked into pregnancy day stay for a once-off CTG during your pregnancy, or we might plan more scheduled monitoring for you, depending on your circumstances.
Getting here
Find us at:
300 Princes Highway
Werribee Victoria 3030
For more information on getting here, visit Werribee Mercy Hospital .
Location details
Pregnancy day stay can be accessed through maternity services in the main hospital building. Please go to maternity services reception. You will then be directed to the pregnancy day stay (PDS) unit, which is a part of the D3 ward. (Currently under review).
On-site signage and indicators
Look for the Pregnancy Day Stay. signs on-site.
How can people get access?
Please arrive at maternity services reception to be marked on iPM as arrived. You will then be instructed to follow the ‘red line’ which is bright red tape, fixed to the floor, from maternity reception to the pregnancy day stay unit. (Currently under review).
Opening hours
Monday–Friday, 9:30am–4:30pm
Your appointment
What to bring
Please bring your Victorian Maternity Record (VMR) (orange pregnancy record).
What to expect on the day
A CTG monitoring of your baby’s heart rate will take at least 20 minutes. Sometimes, if your baby is asleep for example, the monitoring may take a little longer. We can see up to three people in pregnancy day stay at a time. Please note that there may be wait times.
Please allow between one and two hours for your visit to Pregnancy Day Stay.
More information
Team Composition
- midwives
- obstetricians
- resident medical officers.
What questions should you ask
- What does the CTG tell me about my baby?
- Will I need another appointment in Pregnancy Day Stay?
Discharge information
Pregnancy Day Stay involves monitoring your baby’s heart rate and checking your vital signs, for example, blood pressure. Depending on the reason you are attending pregnancy day stay, you may require an ultrasound scan, either by an obstetrician in the pregnancy day stay unit, or a formal ultrasound through medical imaging (MIA). Some patients may require blood tests, medication prescriptions, routine amniotic fluid index measurement (AFI) or a discussion and plan for an induction of labour.
Additional support
A follow-up appointment will be arranged, either in pregnancy day stay if further monitoring is required, or in the Outpatients Clinics. If required, an ‘induction of labour appointment’ can be booked.
Who to call if you have concerns afterwards
If you are worried about your pregnancy or your baby, please phone 03 8754 3400.
Monday–Sunday, 24-hours a day.
For health professionals
Women can be referred to pregnancy day stay (PDS) for CTG monitoring during their pregnancy. Appointments will be pre-arranged; for example, women with pre-existing diabetes (Type 1 & 2) will be monitored in PDS weekly, from 30 weeks. Those with gestational diabetes that are diet-controlled require a CTG from 40 weeks. However, the clinician may arrange for this to occur earlier if complications arise.
PDS also has an ultrasound available for use by training obstetricians to check the baby’s presentation and for routine AFIs for post-date women. Women requiring an ECV procedure for a breech presentation can have it performed in the PDS unit. PDS also receives referrals for CTG directly from antenatal clinics. PDS appointments can be arranged via antenatal clinics or maternity services.
Procedural information
Patients will attend maternity services reception to check in for their pregnancy day stay appointment. They will then be directed to the unit by staff. (Currently under review).
How to prepare the patient
Inform the patient they may need to allow up to two hours for a visit to pregnancy day stay, including potential wait time and monitoring time.
What/when you should refer to us
Patients should be referred to pregnancy day stay if they require a non-urgent CTG during their pregnancy. For example, patients on insulin will require weekly monitoring in pregnancy day stay from 30 weeks. Patients who require a CTG at the conclusion of their antenatal clinic appointment can also be referred to pregnancy day stay on the same day. Pregnancy day stay also accepts appointments for pre-caesarean steroid loading.
What/when you should not refer to us
Pregnancy day stay is not suitable for patients requiring an urgent pregnancy review or women who have concerns about themselves or their baby. These patients should present to the maternity assessment unit.

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