A woman presents to her GP shared care doctor at 32 weeks, feeling well however reports reduced fetal movements (RFMs) felt since yesterday.
GP action:
- BP 100/60
- Symphysis fundal height (SFH) measured = 30cm (stagnant) and plotted in chart
- Fetal Heart Rate auscultated 147bpm over 1 minute
- Comparison of SFH chart made, noting SFH is now 2cm below gestational age (28 weeks = 30cm, stagnant SFH)
- Re-discuss fetal movements and reiterate the importance of reporting RFMs without delay.
- Provide reassurance as FHR present and the need to refer to maternity assessment unit (MAU) at Werribee Mercy Hospital for urgent review of fetal heart rate monitoring (cardiotocograph, CTG) and a bedside ultra sound of the water volume around baby (DVP = deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket)
- Call the Werribee Mercy Hospital Obstetric and Gynaecology Registrar on 8754 3448 to provide handover.
- Explain to the patient that the pathway of care will change and that future antenatal clinic appointments will be at the Werribee Mercy Hospital
Obstetric and Gynaecology department action:
- Urine analysis performed for proteinuria
- CTG and DVP performed and satisfactory
- Formal fetal growth US, DVP and dopplers requested for urgent review
- Review in Werribee Mercy Hospital antenatal clinic by O&G in 1 week with pathway escalation (admin team will call with appointment)
- Emphasise importance of calling (24-hour WMH maternity Services 8754 3400) without delay if RFM present again at any time, even if this is today/tomorrow
- Ensure FM and side sleeping information already received
- Use teach-back to ensure the patient understands her care and plan of management
BELOW: Is a guide of what we aim to discuss with women at their appointments (28 weeks and 30-32 weeks included only).
Contacts at Werribee Mercy Hospital:
Obstetric and Gynaecology Registrar on call 8754 3448 (medical professionals only)
24-hour maternity Services 8754 3400 (for patients)
More information:
- HealthPathways for decreased fetal movements
- How to refer a patient
- Becoming a Shared maternity care affiliate
Last reviewed November 21, 2023.