Mercy Palliative Care Bereavement Support offers counselling support to family and friends grieving the loss of a loved one who died on the Mercy Palliative Care Program. These services are offered free of charge.
They include:
- counselling in person or by appointment. Monday–Friday, 9am–4pm
- counselling/support by phone – weekdays 8.30am–5pm (no appointment required)
- information sessions (day and evening)
- Carer information sessions
- Training courses
- Walk and Talk Bereavement Group
- Owl’s Nest Children’s Bereavement Group.
All group and session services are by posted invitation throughout the year.
Getting here
Find us at:
3 Devonshire Road
Sunshine Victoria 3020
For more information on getting here, visit Mercy Palliative Care Sunshine .
Your appointment
What to expect on the day
Appointment time is one hour.
More information
Team Composition
Throughout your experience, you may be supported by:
- grief counsellors who are trained and experienced in loss and grief
- trained bereavement support volunteers.
For health professionals
A grief counsellor is skilled and experienced in loss and grief.
What/when you should refer to us
Any patient who has experienced a significant loss where you have serious concerns about the impact of their grief experience on their everyday life

Donate to the Mercy Health Foundation
The Mercy Health Foundation supports programs to improve the health and wellbeing of those in need. Your donation makes a difference in hospitals, nurseries, aged care homes, and the general community.

Providing feedback
We value feedback from the people we care for, including from your families, friends, carers, and our broader community. Find out how to register a concern, complaint or compliment, or make a suggestion for improvement at Mercy Health.

Work for Mercy Health
Midwife and nurse roles are available. Find out about life and work at Mercy Health and apply today!