The Growth and Development Clinic provides developmental assessment for children:
- born prematurely before 28 weeks
- born with a birth weight of less than 1000 grams
- who had brain problems as a newborn such as seizures or haemorrhage
- who are enrolled in a research follow-up study.
Getting here
Find us at:
163 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria 3084
For more information on getting here, visit Mercy Hospital for Women .
Location details
Department of Paediatrics, Level 2
On-site signage and indicators
Look for the Department of Paediatrics signs on-site.
How can people get access?
Take the main hospital lifts to Level 2. The Department of Paediatrics is to the right.
Opening hours
Monday–Thursday, 9am–3pm
Your appointment
What to do before
If your child has received care in the special care nurseries or neonatal intensive care nursery at Mercy Hospital for Women, our Growth and Development Clinic staff will contact you close to your child’s second birthday to arrange a visit to the clinic.
What to bring
Please bring your child’s health record (green book) and any letters from your paediatrician or other therapists involved in your child’s care.
It is useful to bring a snack and drink for your child to have during their assessment if they are hungry.
More information
Team Composition
There is a multidisciplinary team working in the Growth and Development Clinic, including:
- a child psychologist
- a developmental paediatrician
- an administrative coordinator.
Additional support
We will refer your child to local support and therapy services if they are needed. We can discuss the results of your child’s assessment with your regular healthcare providers if you wish.
Further visits are arranged as needed. An assessment prior to starting pre-school may be offered.
Opportunities to be involved in research
Many research studies begin in the nursery and have more visits as your child grows. Each research study uses different tests. You may be asked questions about your child’s behaviour.
Who to call if you have concerns afterwards
If you have questions or are worried about your child’s development, please call the growth and development administrative coordinator. The coordinator will arrange for the appropriate doctor or psychologist to contact you.
Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm
Phone: 03 8458 4750
Fax: 03 8458 4714
For health professionals
The Growth and Development Clinic provides neuro-developmental assessments for graduates of neonatal intensive care at risk of developmental or learning difficulties. The clinic will see children:
- born prematurely before 28 weeks
- born with a birth weight less than 1000 grams
- who had brain problems as a newborn such as seizures or haemorrhage
- who are enrolled in a research follow-up study.
Procedural information
This clinic is in addition to care provided by the child’s paediatrician or other therapists.
What/when you should not refer to us
External community referrals are not accepted by this service.
Additional contact details
Growth and Development Clinic
Department of Paediatrics
Mercy Hospital for Women
Level 2, 163 Studley Rd
Heidelberg Vic 3084
Tel: 03 8458 4750
Fax: 03 8458 4714
Donate to the Mercy Health Foundation
The Mercy Health Foundation supports programs to improve the health and wellbeing of those in need. Your donation makes a difference in hospitals, nurseries, aged care homes, and the general community.
Providing feedback
We value feedback from the people we care for, including from your families, friends, carers, and our broader community. Find out how to register a concern, complaint or compliment, or make a suggestion for improvement at Mercy Health.
Work for Mercy Health
Midwife and nurse roles are available. Find out about life and work at Mercy Health and apply today!