Our FARREP worker can:
- explain the different types of care available to you
- stay with you during your consultation to discuss female circumcision
- introduce you to other services at the hospital which may be helpful such as social work, physiotherapy, dietetics/nutrition and diabetes education
- offer culturally appropriate guidance to doctors, midwives, nurses and others, so that your needs are better understood
- discuss your concerns with hospital staff if you need more support
- help you provide feedback about your care in the hospital
- give information about female circumcision in Australia and its effects on women’s health
- establish and maintain links between the African communities and Mercy Hospital for Women.
The FARREP worker provides relevant health information for other individuals and groups, both within the hospital and in the community. The also provide education for health professionals working with communities that practise female circumcision.
Please let our staff know if you would like support from our FARREP worker.
If appropriate, our staff may ask if you would like to access this support.
Otherwise, you can contact our FARREP worker directly:
Family Reproductive Rights Education Program (FARREP)
Phone numbers:
Family Reproductive Rights Education Program (FARREP)
03 8458 4150
- Email address: [email protected]
Please contact us if you would like support from our FARREP worker.
Related services
Getting here
Find us at:
163 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria 3084
For more information on getting here, visit Mercy Hospital for Women .
Location details
Outpatient Department, Level 3
On-site signage and indicators
Look for the African Liaison/FARREP signs on-site.
Opening hours
Monday–Wednesday, 8am–4pm
Thursday and Friday, 8.30am–3.30pm.
Your appointment
More information
Team Composition
Family and Reproductive Rights Education Program Worker
For health professionals
FARREP is a program for women who come from cultures where female circumcision is sometimes practised. The FARREP worker provides support for women who have been circumcised and assists women in liaising with hospital staff.
Procedural information
For more information contact our FARREP worker on 03 8458 4150 or via email [email protected]
More information
Resources for you
National Education Toolkit for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Awareness
The NETFA project is specifically focused on raising awareness from within communities about the negative consequences of FGM/C.
Family Reproductive Rights Education Program (FARREP)
Phone numbers:
Family Reproductive Rights Education Program (FARREP)
03 8458 4150
- Email address: [email protected]
Please contact us if you would like support from our FARREP worker.

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Providing feedback
We value feedback from the people we care for, including from your families, friends, carers, and our broader community. Find out how to register a concern, complaint or compliment, or make a suggestion for improvement at Mercy Health.

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