The Diabetes and Endocrine Clinic provides care for women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and a range of other endocrine disorders. The clinic is staffed by specialised and experienced doctors, and allied health professionals. We encourage women with diabetes to come and see us when planning pregnancy, and to be seen in the clinic as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed.
Visit the Mercy Perinatal Endocrinology in Pregnancy web page
Getting here
Find us at:
163 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria 3084
For more information on getting here, visit Mercy Hospital for Women .
Location details
Level 3, Perinatal Medicine Department. Take the stairs or lift to Level 3. As you exit the lift or the stairwell turn left and follow the sign to Perinatal/Medicine, you will find the reception desk further around to the left.
On-site signage and indicators
Look for the Perinatal Medicine and Endocrine Physician signs on-site.
How can people get access?
Perinatal Medicine Department, Level 3, Mercy Hospital for Women
Phone: 03 8458 4248
Opening hours
Thursday, 8am-12pm
Your appointment
What to bring
Please bring:
- your blood-glucose meter and record book (if appropriate)
- any medications you are taking
- any previous test results or doctors’ letters.
What to expect on the day
Your first visit to the clinic will involve seeing a number of different health professionals. Please allow at least three hours for your first visit, and two hours for subsequent visits.
Your partner or support person is welcome to attend, but young children may find the long appointment times difficult.
Please let us know in advance if you need an interpreter.
More information
Team Composition
Throughout your experience you may be supported by obstetricians, midwives, endocrinologists, dietitians and diabetes educators.
What questions should you ask
Are you able to download my insulin pump and glucose sensor data in the clinic?
How often will I need to attend the clinic when I am planning for a pregnancy and then when I am pregnant?
Should I stop my oral glucose lowering medications before I come to the clinic?
Discharge information
Expect a review by the endocrinologist and diabetes educator for pregnancy planning and a referral to the dietitian if required. For initial pregnancy review expect to see the endocrinologist, midwife, obstetrician, diabetes educator. You will generally have a scan to confirm the pregnancy.
Opportunities to be involved in research
We participate in research projects and you have the opportunity to be involved. You can find more information on these projects and how they can benefit other babies, mothers and families, in our waiting rooms. Your midwife or obstetrician can also talk to you about participating in any research.
Who to call if you have concerns afterwards
Diabetes Educator 03 8458 4164
Perinatal Medicine reception 03 8458 4248
For health professionals
Pregnancy and pre-pregnancy care for women with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and other endocrine disorders which impact on pregnancy.
How to prepare the patient
Please provide the patient with relevant summaries of their medication and medical history. Women with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are usually not suitable for the shared care pregnancy model of care.
What/when you should refer to us
Please refer all women with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes to the clinic using the hospital referral form. We prefer to see all women with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes who are planning pregnancy, or as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. For women with other endocrine disorders, please refer using the hospital referral form.
Referrals to this service are assessed against the Statewide Referral Criteria. Please utilise HealthPathways to assist in making the referral. Referrals which do not meet the Statewide Referral Criteria will be declined.
What/when you should not refer to us
Women with GDM – please see GDM page.
Additional contact details
If you need to speak to someone about your patient, please contact the maternal fetal medicine fellow via the hospital switchboard.
After-hours emergencies should be discussed with the obstetric registrar on call, who will liaise with the maternal fetal medicine or obstetric consultant of the day.
More information
Resources for you
https://mercyperinatal.com/clinic/diabetes-and-endocrine-clinic — More information about the clinic is provided at the Mercy perinatal website.
http://pregnancyanddiabetes.com.au/ — Detailed information from the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) about pregnancy and diabetes.
Additional resources
Donate to the Mercy Health Foundation
The Mercy Health Foundation supports programs to improve the health and wellbeing of those in need. Your donation makes a difference in hospitals, nurseries, aged care homes, and the general community.
Providing feedback
We value feedback from the people we care for, including from your families, friends, carers, and our broader community. Find out how to register a concern, complaint or compliment, or make a suggestion for improvement at Mercy Health.
Work for Mercy Health
Midwife and nurse roles are available. Find out about life and work at Mercy Health and apply today!